Family Event at Fun Slides

For January’s family event, we are going to Fun Slides Skate Park in the North Hills (1130 Perry Highway, Pittsburgh 15237). We’ll meet there at 2pm on Sunday, Jan 21st.
The pricing is as follows, one hour of “skate only” is $10/person, one hour of skate plus extras is $16/person, two hours of skate plus extras $20/person. The extras are as follows: Blacklight dodgeball, Super Ninja Challenge Obstacle Course, Bounce and Slide Inflatable Area.
We will get group pricing if we can commit to over 15 people in our group ahead of time.

January Book Club

Is your new year’s resolution to read more books? Then join us for book club! In January, we are reading “Since We Fell” by Dennis Lehane. Caroline is hosting (2156 Blairmont Dr) on January 23rd at 7pm.

Remember, even if you don’t have time to read the book, come anyway! Half the fun of book club is chatting about everything else in our lives and making new friends.


Wine & Chat

Join us for a wine and chat, where we get together to make new friends and catch up with the old ones! This event is open to non-members, so if you’ve thought about becoming a member but aren’t ready to make the leap, this is your chance.

January’s wine and chat will be Tuesday, January 16th at 7pm. Our host is Stephanie (161 Highview Dr). Can’t wait to see you all there!


Couples’ Event: Beer and Cookie Exchange

Join us Dec. 9th at 7:30 for a beer and cookie exchange, hosted by the Schers (1025 Tall Trees Drive).

Each couple is to bring 1/2 dozen cookies and 2 beers of choice per couple attending.  So if 6 couples attend, bring 3 dozen cookies and 12 beers. Exact numbers will be sent out when we have a total head count.
Please RSVP with what type of cookie you will be bringing!
Looking forward to a night of fun with everyone!

Where New Neighbors Become Old Friends