Bunco Night in April

Wednesday April 5, 2017 7:00 PM

Our inaugural meeting of the  Babes of Bunco, USC Newcomers Club was lots of fun, as maybe you heard if you weren’t there. The plan is to play on the first Wednesday of every month, so our next meeting will be April 5 at 7:00 p.m. at Frances Scher’s home (1025 Tall Trees Dr.). Bring a snack to share and $5 so we can offer cash prizes to four lucky winners! If you can’t make it every time, we can use subs from time to time. No experience required! We will explain the rules each time. Just a fun, get-to-know you type of dice game for ladies only. You’ll be glad you came!

RSVP deadline is past

Where New Neighbors Become Old Friends