Member Feature: Heather Holtschlag

Why did you want to join the USC Newcomers’ Club?
In addition to wanting to meet new people and make new friends, my husband and I knew that we would be raising a family in USC. So, I wanted to meet other mothers in similar situations and offer the opportunity for my sons to make new friends, too!

Where did you recently move from?
South Fayette, PA

Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in Scott Township.

Where did you go to college and what did you study?
I attended Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where I earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism.

What do you do for your day job?
I manage a freelance writing and PR business — Heather Holtschlag Public Relations — and offer a wide variety of writing and PR services to clients in the health and fitness industries. Though my most important and rewarding roles are as a wife and SAHM.

Do you have any kids? If so what are their names and ages?
I have two sons: Matthew is 5, and Luke is 3.

Do you have any pets?
No, though we promised Luke a goldfish as a reward for potty training, which he recently successfully accomplished. So, it looks like soon “Uncle David” the fish will be coming to our house to live!

What do you like to do for fun?
I LOVE working out and ironically, love to cook. Though anyone who has ever tasted my cooking can attest, I have a lot of room for improvement.

What books on your shelf are begging to be read?
Believe it or not, 50 Shades of Grey is only halfway done, and has been sitting on my shelf for about a year. I would love to read more, but am too easily distracted.

What’s the biggest goal you are working on now?
In addition to being the best mom I can possibly be, I aspire to build my freelance business to  more of a fulltime job when both boys are in school all day.

What upcoming Newcomers’ event are you looking forward to attending?
I haven’t been able to get to much this year because of a crazy schedule. But I’m hoping that will change in the new year!

What other things do you want your fellow newcomers to know about yourself?
My husband, Jim, owns and operates a Grease Monkey in Canonsburg and also does car detailing on the side (when he doesn’t have a small child’s arms wrapped around his legs). I also write for USC Today magazine and am always looking for story ideas!